dimanche 9 novembre 2008


Forewah Emmanuel Kuchambi was born on the 25th of September 1980 in Mbengwi – Momo Division of Cameroon. He holds a Bachelor Degree in English Language from the University of Yaounde I (Uniyao I) Cameroon.

Forewah Emmanuel Kuchambi is a legal and Independent Soccer Agent and on the other hand he is also an International Sports Director. He has worked with very big Football Clubs, Football Academies, World’s biggest Youth Soccer Project « Aspire Africa Football Dreams », Soccer Agents; I represent some Soccer Agents and Soccer Academies around the world. In Cameroon I represent some talented football players with age range from 12 – 28 years, with some playing professional football in clubs in Africa, Asia, Europe, Asia, and America. Some Football Clubs I have provided them players are : Fugo’s FC in Mexico, WAC FC of Casablanca in Morocco, RAJA FC of Casablanca in Morocco, Oujda FC in Morocco, MAS FC of Fes in Morocco, OCK FC in Morocco, CODM FC of Meknes in Morocco, some clubs in China, Dubia, Canada and Qatar to name just the few. With Football Academies I have function with: Olo Sports Academy of Berkane in Morocco (an academy with collaboration of Inter Milan of Italy), Aspire Academy of Sports Excellence base in DohaQatar (which is known as the biggest and the best Sports Academy in the world presently). I have professional and respected collaboration with FIFA Soccer Agents around the world. Emmanuel is also an Independent Sports Director and this has earned me the International Sports Director of Aspire Africa Football Dreams, which is the biggest youth football project in the world. It covers seven (7) African countries as follows: Cameroon, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Morocco and South Africa, with Sponsors as NIKE - USA, BSM – Spain, UN, UNICEF, Aspire Academy of Sports Excellence, and ART. This is just to show how professional Emmanuel is functioning. He does the selection and prospection of talented players in this project, with the help of some International Spanish coaches like: Perez, the Coach of the Catalan National Team, Alberto Becorral, Jordi Rovira (Coach for young category players for FC Barcelona), Arakage Muta (Coach for young category players for FC BILBAO in Spain), Joseph Colomer, ex-coach for the Brazilian National Team, he was also the Sports Director for FC Barcelona, now he is the International Players Recruiter for Aspire Academy of Sports Excellence, presently also he is the International Director and the creator of Aspire Africa Football Dreams. With all what I have learned from these professionals I can say I have all the experience and power to function in a professional manner. In Cameroon I represent about One hundred and fifty (150) young and talented players and about seventy – five (75) players ready for professional football. I’ve very good relationship with most of the football clubs, Coaches and Club Presidents in Cameroon. I have an official and registered company for Sports in Cameroon called FD SPORTS CAMEROON. I’ve been to many countries around the world due to my powerful, talented, professional and hard working football relationship with Football Academies, Soccer Agents, Clubs and Club Presidents. In Cameroon I have very good and talented young soccer players, this is because I work very hard to look for these talented players; I prospect in the whole of Cameroon (Ten Provinces), so I can easily put hands on very good and talented young players at any moment that any one needs them.

I cover the ten provinces of Cameroon with very talented players. With the experience and talents that I have learn all these years that we prospect for these players, I also put a lot of seriousness in my sport work by so doing it has earned me the best of football players in Cameroon.

On the other hand Emmanuel has a Diploma in Computing and a Certificate in Business Management and Administration. In all what he does it’s with a lot of hard work, seriousness and respect. So am ready to work with any person in the world that has ambitions to go very far in the world of soccer.

2 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

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Anonyme a dit…

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